For the second Sunday in a row we took Bella to the rowing facility on Lake Hartwell to see if she liked to swim. We hoped deep down that she would be a water dog and would just run right in to fetch a ball. Well today our dreams were dashed...we realized she just does not like water. Last week she did pretty well, actually walked into the water on her own and would swim to us. Today, you could tell she did not like it. She wouldn't walk into the water on her own, so we had to pick her up and put her in the water and when she did swim, she swam straight to the dock to jump out and wouldn't come near us. We were disappointed that she didn't like water but she does seem to enjoy running around on the dock while we lay in the sun. Bella we loved you but you are such a chicken doggie! Below are some pictures of the 5 minutes we actually got her in the water. Even though she hated every minute of it, I think she still looks pretty cute!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago