Sunday, June 19, 2011

Scaredy Cat...I mean Dog!

For the second Sunday in a row we took Bella to the rowing facility on Lake Hartwell to see if she liked to swim. We hoped deep down that she would be a water dog and would just run right in to fetch a ball. Well today our dreams were dashed...we realized she just does not like water. Last week she did pretty well, actually walked into the water on her own and would swim to us. Today, you could tell she did not like it. She wouldn't walk into the water on her own, so we had to pick her up and put her in the water and when she did swim, she swam straight to the dock to jump out and wouldn't come near us. We were disappointed that she didn't like water but she does seem to enjoy running around on the dock while we lay in the sun. Bella we loved you but you are such a chicken doggie! Below are some pictures of the 5 minutes we actually got her in the water. Even though she hated every minute of it, I think she still looks pretty cute!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Salad

I thought I would share with you my go-to salad in the summer. I could eat this for lunch or dinner every day of the summer and I have actually had it 3 times this week already. I got the inspiration from a salad at Longhorn Steakhouse.

Lindsey's Summer Salad:

- spring salad mix
- grilled or rotisserie chicken
- pineapple chunks
- grapes sliced in half
- strawberries sliced in half
- pecans
- feta cheese
- light raspberry and walnut vinaigrette

You can add whatever fruit you want, but this is how I always make mine. This salad is SO good and SO easy to make! Sorry for the poor quality picture but I took it with my iphone. Be sure to add this recipe to your weekly dinner menu!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

In My Nook Library...

I recently got a Nook Color and am so in love with it! I get on kicks and will read a ton of books and then take a break for awhile, but since I got my book I have been reading non-stop. I thought I would let you know what I'm reading in case you need some recommendations for your summer reading.

I stayed up late last night to finish reading the Hunger Games series. This series was awesome, I loved all three books and I highly recommend them. They are a fast read. They just started filming the movie about 2 hours away from me in Ashville, NC. The movie comes out in March and I am so excited to see how they portray all the characters and costumes in the movie. You better believe I will make Colin take me to this movie!

Before I started the hunger games I read Water for Elephants and loved that book as well. I liked it so much that I finished it in a weekend. Sadly, I have yet to see the movie because Colin refuses to go. I'll wait for it on DVD since it didn't get great reviews. I know I was late on the bandwagon for this book.

I also read Mini Shopaholic. I read the entire Shop
aholic series a few years ago and loved them so I was excited when the author came out with a new one. If you were a fan of the series be sure to read this one as well, it was a cute book!

I almost forgot the first book I read on my Nook...Throwaway. I wasn't sure about the Nook yet so I wanted to read a free book to start with. It got good reviews on Barnes and Nobles so I said why not, it's free. It turned out to be a decent book so if you have a Nook, download the book for some free guilty pleasure summer reading!
I have a few books at home that I still have to read and I think my next one will be the Help. I want to see it before it comes out in August as a movie. I also have several books on hold through the library that I will put on my nook. I can't wait to read the summer away!

What are you reading? Leave your suggestions for good summer reads!